Instructions Step 1 / 6
PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS - $100.00 FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE This application must be submitted to the Real Estate Commission office with the appropriate application fee. EFFECTIVE JULY 2019 - Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 84-947 An individual who has a criminal conviction may submit this Preliminary Application for Individuals with Criminal Convictions form to be presented to the Commission for a determination as to whether the individual's criminal conviction would disqualify the individual from obtaining a real estate license. Upon receipt of the completed Preliminary Application form, other requested information, and the $100.00 fee, the Commission will schedule a time for the individual to appear before the Commission for a Preliminary Application Informal Special Appearance. During the Preliminary Application Informal Special Appearance, the Commission shall make a determination of whether the individual’s criminal conviction would disqualify the individual from obtaining a real estate license or sitting for the examination. Once the determination has been made by the Commission, a letter will be sent to you regarding their determination. This Preliminary Application Informal Special Appearance is being conducted based on criminal conviction information provided by the individual. If the Commission finds that the individual has been convicted of subsequent criminal convictions or prior crimes not reported, the Commission may rescind the determination.
Screen Guide Step 2 / 6
Screen Layout a. Text boxes with an asterisk(*) are required information fields. b. Do Not use your Browser's " Back" or "Forward" buttons to navigate between pages or the data entered may be lost. To edit your entered information before submitting the completed form, please use the "Previous" button to go back to the respective tab. c. At the bottom of each page there will be an option to continue to the next page. If any portion of the required information for that page has been omitted, a dialog box will appear to refer you back to the missing information. d. A screen resolution of 800x600 or greater is recommended. Reviewing Completed Application a. You will be allowed, before entering payment information, to edit and review your entered information. Make any necessary changes then click on the final submit button. b. Attached files, once uploaded, cannot be changed!! c. For assistance in creating ZIP files for your uploads, please review the Zip file Guide.pdf. Printing Application a. After submitting your payment information, you will have the option to print a copy of your online application. Check your printer setting and be ready to print a copy of the final submitted application form. b. It is recommended that you keep a copy of your online application form. Once received in our office, it will be reviewed for completeness. If there is any missing information you will be contacted for this data and may need to refer to the corresponding question.
Applicant Information Step 3 / 6
Documents Step 4 / 6
Confirmation Page Step 5 / 6
Please review Prior to Submission. Corrections can be made by clicking on "EDIT" link next to the desired section
Affirm and Submit Step 6 / 6
I understand that only one Preliminary Application for Individuals with Criminal Convictions form can be submitted within two years after the final decision on the previous preliminary application except if the individual has taken action to remedy the disqualification as advised by the Commission, then the individual may file another form six month after the final decision on the previous form. I certify all information submitted on this form and any attachments to be true and accurate. I understand that providing false information on this form or any attachments may result in imposition of administrative penalties and/or sanctions, including denial or revocation of the license.
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301 Centennial Mall South P.O. Box 94667 Lincoln, NE 68509-4667 USA
Phone (402) 471-2004Fax (402) 471-4492[email protected]