Instructions Step 1 / 18
If you intend to upload any items mentioned in the Checklist Help Guide , be sure to have the file(s) ready. Maximum allowed size for each uploaded file is 5MB. Once uploaded, these files cannot be changed. These items may also be mailed separately, emailed, faxed, hand delivered or submitted by upload with the online application. When additional information is submitted separately, you will need to indicate, if applicable, the application question you are referencing, as well as your name, address and telephone number. Check your printer setting and be ready to print a copy of the final submitted form. It is recommended that you keep a copy of the online application form. Once received in our office, it will be reviewed for completeness. If there is any missing information, you will be contacted for this data and may need to refer to the corresponding question. Jurisdiction as used in this application means a state, district, or territory of the United States, a province of Canada or a foreign county, or a political subdivision of a foreign country, which has implemented and administers laws regulating the activities of a real estate licensee. Please fully complete this application. Items which need to be submitted separately from this application must be in our office within three calendar days from submitting this online application (via mail, e-mail, fax or personal delivery). Note: Photographs may not be faxed.
Screen Guide Step 2 / 18
Screen Layout a. Text boxes with an asterisk(*) are required information fields. b. Do Not use your Browser's " Back" or "Forward" buttons to navigate between pages or the data entered may be lost. To edit your entered information before submitting the completed form, please use the "Previous" button to go back to the respective tab. c. At the bottom of each page there will be an option to continue to the next page. If any portion of the required information for that page has been omitted, a dialog box will appear to refer you back to the missing information. d. A screen resolution of 800x600 or greater is recommended. On-Line Help a. At the bottom of each page, you can click a link to access the Checklist Help Guide
Reviewing Completed Application a. You will be allowed, before entering payment information, to edit and review your entered information. Make any necessary changes then click on the final submit button. b. Attached files, once uploaded, cannot be changed!! If you feel you have attached an incorrect file, please contact our office. Once your application is submitted you will have the opportunity to set up an Online Profile where you will be able to attach additional documents later, if necessary. Documents may also be mailed separately, faxed, personally delivered, or emailed however, you will need to indicate if applicable, the application question you are referencing, as well as your name, address and telephone number. c. For assistance in creating ZIP files for your uploads, please review the Zip file Guide.pdf. License Type a. Real Estate Salesperson - With this type of license, the licensee is permitted to engage in all phases of real estate business, if employed by and under the direct supervision of a licensed broker at all times. b. Real Estate Broker - With this type of license, the licensee is permitted to engage in all phases of the real estate business either independently, as a self-employed broker, or as an associate broker employed by and under the direct supervision of a licensed broker at all times. c. By Licensure Recognition (Reciprocity) - Persons holding a real estate license, in good standing, in another real estate regulatory jurisdiction may be issued an equivalent real estate license in Nebraska while remaining a nonresident of Nebraska or upon moving to Nebraska directly from the jurisdiction in which the real estate license was held, without examination or submitting of statutory education. Nonresident Self-Employed Brokers must do business in the same name and under the same arrangements they use in their resident real estate regulatory jurisdiction. A checklist for the specific forms needed based on the manner of business can be found on our website at These forms may be submitted separately as an attachment via e-mail to [email protected] in the following formats only: Word, JPEG, or PDF and two (2) megabytes or smaller. It may also be personally delivered, mailed, or faxed to our office at (402) 471-4492. Printing Application a. After submitting your payment information, you will have the option to print a copy of your online application. Check your printer setting and be ready to print a copy of the final submitted application form. b. It is recommended that you keep a copy of your online application form. Once received in our office, it will be reviewed for completeness. If there is any missing information you will be contacted for this data and may need to refer to the corresponding question. Online Profile a. Upon submission of your online application form, you will be able to register for an online portal so that you can provide required documentation. Application Status a. Upon submission of your online application form, please use this link to check the status of your application
License Type Step 3 / 18
Please select a "License Type" and click "Next"
Applicant Information Step 4 / 18
Residence Address Step 5 / 18
A post office box can only be used if accompanied by a full street address or full rural route address.
Contact Information Step 6 / 18
Prior Residence(s) Step 7 / 18
Employment Step 8 / 18
Give below the places where you have been engaged in any kind of business or vocation, stating the nature of the business, your employer, his/her/its address, position you held and the length of time you held such position, accounting for the ENTIRE period of the last three years in chronological order. If self-employed, homemaker, student or unemployed during this three-year period, include as part of employment.
Application Questions Step 9 / 18
Have you ever applied for a license to, or been licensed by, ANY real estate regulatory body in this country or any other country or any political subdivision of either, i.e. state, province, city, etc., authorizing you to engage in any real estate activities? If yes, give the name and address of the regulatory body, type of license, and date of licensure.
Have you ever had an application rejected, or your license suspended or revoked? If yes, explain fully giving exact dates, places, and full details of such rejection, suspension, or revocation.
Have you ever applied for a license to, or been licensed by, ANY agency in this country or any other country or any political subdivision of either, i.e. state, province, city, etc., authorizing you to engage in any profession or occupation other than real estate? If yes, give the name and address of the agency, type of license, and dates of licensure.
Have you been involved in any lawsuits, other than small claims court cases, domestic relations court cases, automobile court cases, or traffic court cases either as plaintiff or defendant, during the past three years, or are there any such lawsuits pending at the present time? If yes, give full details including exact dates, places, parties, disposition, etc.
Have you ever been convicted of any misdemeanor or felony offenses, or is there any such charge pending against you? If yes, give full details including dates, places, disposition, and a detailed explanation of the events leading up to the charge(s), etc. Note: Your answer MUST include any pending charges. Convictions, no matter how old, must be reported, even though there may have been an order or note by the court to expunge, set aside, or strike the conviction from the record. (Applicant must answer this question completely.)
Educational Background Step 10 / 18
Statutory Education Step 11 / 18
Photograph Step 12 / 18
Financial Information Step 13 / 18
Add Details
Attestation of Citizenship Step 14 / 18
Notice of Rights Concerning Background Check Step 15 / 18
By signing this application I hereby authorize the Nebraska Real Estate Commission to access and review the Nebraska and FBI national criminal history records that may pertain to me. I understand that I am able to receive any national criminal history record that may pertain to me directly from the FBI, pursuant to 28 CFR Sections 16.30-16.34, and that I can then freely disclose any such information to whomever I choose. By signing this application, it is my intent to authorize the dissemination of any national criminal history record that may pertain to me to the Real Estate Commission for real estate license issuance purposes.
I understand that, upon request in person and with proper identification, the Real Estate Commission will provide me a copy of the criminal history background report, if any, received on me and that I am entitled to challenge the accuracy and completeness of any information contained in any such report. Information on how to challenge the federal report can be found at To challenge my Nebraska state record, I must contact the Nebraska State Patrol Criminal Identification Division. I may obtain a prompt determination as to the validity of my challenge before the Real Estate Commission makes a final decision about my status as a real estate licensee. Upon issuance of the real estate license, background reports are destroyed and no longer available.
By choosing to complete and submit this Application, I understand that any false information will be sufficient reason for rejection of my application. I further understand that any false information contained in this Application may be a basis for revoking or suspending a license, if granted. Submission of this Application will serve as authorization to release any and all information recorded on or attached with this application for licensing purposes to any state, federal, or other governmental investigative agency in this or any other country or political subdivision thereof. Submission of this Application means I expressly agree that the Nebraska Real Estate Commission reserves the right to go outside this Application for information as to my trustworthiness and competency to act as a Real Estate Salesperson in the State of Nebraska. Submission of this Application authorizes any governmental agency, consumer reporting agency, present or former employer, or any other individual, partnership, corporation, association, or educational institution, in this or any other country or political subdivision thereof, to furnish to the Nebraska Real Estate Commission, or its representatives, any information bearing upon my reputation for honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, and competence to transact the business of a Real Estate Salesperson in such manner as to safeguard the interest of the public and answer any and all questions that may be asked and herewith hold such persons harmless for giving any and all information within their knowledge or records. Such information may include, but is not limited to, records of arrest for criminal offenses, the circumstances involved in any such arrest, the suspension or revocation of any license authorizing me to engage in any profession or occupation, or the rejection of my application for any such license, and the reasons for such suspension, revocation, or rejection. Submission of this Application verifies that the statements herein are true, made for the purpose of procuring a Nebraska Real Estate Salesperson's License and will be relied upon as true by the Commission in reviewing and acting on this Application. I hereby consent that these statements may be used as evidence by the Real Estate Commission of the State of Nebraska or in any court in Nebraska where a violation of the said Real Estate Law is claimed, and that the application and representations made by me in order to procure a Real Estate Salesperson's License and the statements herein made to said Real Estate Commission may at any time be used in evidence
IMPORTANT: Payment Disclosures Step 16 / 18
Please Note : Debit Cards are not accepted. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express Credit Cards are accepted. Reminder – FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE Application fee will appear as Nebraska Real Estate Comm in your Statement. Convenience fee will appear as IGov Solutions. If you no longer wish to submit this application, click the "Cancel Order" button below.
Confirmation Page Step 17 / 18
Scroll down to review your answers prior to submission. Corrections can be made by clicking on the “Edit” link next to the desired section. Click on the “Next” button to continue.
Affirm and Submit Step 18 / 18
Once the “Submit” button has been selected, you cannot make changes to your application
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301 Centennial Mall South P.O. Box 94667 Lincoln, NE 68509-4667 USA
Phone (402) 471-2004Fax (402) 471-4492[email protected]