Instructions Step 1 / 4
Licensee Information is available for purchase in printed format. Licensee Information is extremely time-sensitive because continuing education information may be included, and licenses are issued and transferred daily. Mailing Labels include the name and business address for each licensee. Rosters include the name, business address, license type, and status for each licensee. Please proceed to next step to provide requestor information and to indicate whether mailing labels or rosters required, which categories to include in the file, whether the data should be divided by license type and/or status; which jurisdictions to be included in zip code or alphabetical order and to indicate if only those licensees who need continuing education before renewal are required. Fee to print are as follows; Mail Labels – $5 Rosters - $5
Options Step 2 / 4
IMPORTANT: Payment Disclosures Step 3 / 4
Please Note : Debit Cards are not accepted. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express Credit Cards are accepted. Reminder – FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE The fee will appear as “Nebraska Real Estate Comm” on your Statement. Convenience fee will appear as IGov Solutions.
Requestor Information Step 4 / 4
Once the “Submit” button has been selected, you cannot make changes to your application
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301 Centennial Mall South P.O. Box 94667 Lincoln, NE 68509-4667 USA
Phone (402) 471-2004Fax (402) 471-4492[email protected]